No hair, no care with Cara J Studios

Passion and Purpose, my two favourite P words! Today we're talking about something a little different, something that Cara Huxford of Cara Jae Studio has made a part of her life's work about, and that is helping every woman feel confident in their own skin through a not so simple thing called hair.

Cara has spent the last eight years in the hair industry working between New Zealand and Australia and has recently settled into her new home of Christchurch. With her passion for styling, you will find her frequenting wedding parties around town, but this gal doesn't just stop there!

It can be heartbreaking for some, but the reality just is that not every bride is going to have her hair on her wedding day, and for those that dream of long, luscious locks on this day, under the umbrella of Cara J Collective, Cara provides 'absolutely everything hair'.

The video you are about to watch was made possible thanks to three incredibly strong, beautiful woman who have experienced varying degrees of hair loss due to a condition called Alopecia. It is a condition that can be genetic or can be put down to pure bad luck and often triggered by immense stress in one's life. From bald spots on the head to total hair loss over the entire body, Alopecia effects everyone very differently. Bex, Jenna and Emily are not sick, they are perfectly healthy women with amazing journeys to talk about, and ones that I hope will spread awareness.

When it comes to your wedding day, it's my job at Christchurch Weddings to give you options. Splurging out to some may be investing in a nice perfume, for others, it may be investing in a custom wig - and what better time than your wedding to splash out on something that will allow you to be confident and make you grin from ear to ear the entire day!

Cara's wigs are custom made from quality hair, and the process always starts with a consultation to chat about the colour, style and length before it goes into production. Once it arrives, Cara will show you exactly how to put your wig on using easily accessible 'tools' and products, and how to take care of it over the years to come. One of the best parts for any bride to be is that Cara offers payment plans such as Afterpay to break up the cost of the wig, and of course, by then you'll just love her so much you won't be able to imagine your wedding day without her styling your mop!

I really hope that you can all take something from this video. Maybe it's that beauty is not 'hair deep', or something as simple as the fact not every bald or balding person is sick. Whatever it is, I think there's an important overarching message about being kind, supporting your loved ones, and that everyone's struggle is different.


A special thank you to everyone who contributed to making this video possible:

Cara J Huxford | Cara J Studios

Erica Kneller | Makeup Artist for Emily

Unveiling Royalty | Makeup Artist for Bex

Emily Nicholls Portrait | Photo and Video

Emily Begg | Lead Model (pictured)

Bex Gibbs | Model

Jenna Day | Model


Until next,

With love, Lucy_4 Grey.png